Guild Roles have, up until now, never really been defined in a specific way, rather the guild has relied upon the individuals within the guild to contribute what they can and when.

This becomes something of a logistical nightmare, however, when someone decides they need a break, or if someone is away on holiday for an extended period of time.

It can also be unsettling for new players joining the guild, because there is no obvious framework of reference – and when something is needed, they don’t necessarily know who to turn to. So I’ve taken it upon myself (using Lari’s original plan to define roles) to try and define some of the guild roles, in order to create a more co-hesive experience for everyone.

The bar counters/percentages are an indication of how much responsibility that person takes for that role. A percentage of less than 100% shows that they are jointly responsible for that particular role.

Lariel (Lari)

Lariel (Lari)


Lariel (aka Lari) is the Guildmaster, and has been the guildmaster for 8+years.

He fulfils several roles.

  • Guildmaster 100% 100%
  • Guildbank Overseer 50% 50%
  • Roster Rotation & Sit-outs 20% 20%
  • Wow Progress Admin 33% 33%



Zpike, our returning holy paladin overlord.

A fluffy kitten on the outside, an iron fist in a velvet glove on the inside. Calmest raidleader EU.

  • Raidleader 100% 100%
  • Roster Rotation & Sit-outs 80% 80%


Roleleader - Tanks

Mith has been in the guild for many years. Has played since Vanilla and aside from short breaks in WoD, has been subbed.

Killer sense of humour.


  • Community Manager 100% 100%
  • Wow Progress Admin 33% 33%


Roleleader - Healers

Seii joined the guild in the first quarter of 2018, and has rerolled resto shaman, after an impressively ranked season as a resto druid.

  • Healing Tactics and Organisation 100% 100%
Kisanth (Afc)

Kisanth (Afc)

Roleleader - DPS (Melee)


Sounds like U2 singing their song ‘Numb’. Versatile player in any role. Very mysterious.

  • Melee DPS Tactics and Organisation 100% 100%
Mortenebra (Morty)

Mortenebra (Morty)

Roleleader - DPS (Ranged)

Morty has been with Exiles since late 2017.

He came back to the game at the start of Legion, after having played extensively through Vanilla, TBC & Wrath

  • Ranged DPS Tactics and Organisation 100% 100%
Artenesse (Ness)

Artenesse (Ness)

Recruiter & Webmaster

Ness joined Exiles in September 2017.

Old enough to be your mum and can still kick your ass.

  • Recruiter 100% 100%
  • Website Administrator 100% 100%
  • Guild Bank Manager 50% 50%
  • Wow Progress Admin 33% 33%

Loot Council

We use RCLootcouncil for the distribution of loot, the loot council is made up of guild members across all ranks, people are generally very open to discussion and trading for the good of the guild as a whole.